Flying Jump Lunge

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Lunges are probably one of the most despised exercises but they are also one of the most effective exercises. When you know how to do flying jump lunges you can add a little bit of fun and a bit more calorie burning to your workout. Get a tight lower body by adding a few sets of flying jump lunges to your workout and feel what its like to really work those legs and butt muscles.

How to do (Video)...

Step By Step

Step 1: Stand tall and step your right foot forward. Bend your right knee to a 90-degree angle and lower your body towards the floor. Your knee shouldn’t go over your toes.  Your left knee will bend as well but it shouldn’t touch the floor. Extend your arms straight out to your sides at shoulder height. This is your starting lunge position. Step 2: Push off your feet and jump up, switching your legs in-flight. Step 3: Land softly with your left leg forward into a lunge and your right leg behind you. Continue jumping and alternating legs until you fatigue. For a less difficult workout, try doing the lunge without the jumping. Hold onto a barbell or dumbbells for a harder workout.


Benefits: This exercise mainly targets your legs, butt and core muscles. This exercise will aid in building balance, agility and power.

Superset with

Superset with: Leaping Mountain Climber, an auxiliary exercise to build endurance in your legs, butt and core.
