7 Women Weight Loss Mistakes To Avoid

Women are under more pressure than ever to look a certain way, particularly like the ultra-thin models and actresses gracing the cover of your favorite magazines. With this pressure has come a billion dollar weight loss industry promising to give you the body you’ve always dreamed of, if only...

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Most Recent Women's Health Fat Loss Tips

The Benefits of Coconut Water Part II – Coconut Water Powder

When you want to reap the benefits of coconut water but find health food stores too expensive and large chain stores to sugar-filled, you’re probably wondering what other options are open to you. The good news is that you have a...

7 Tips To Help You Reach Your Goal Weight

There is really just one hard and fast rule for weight loss; burn more energy than you take in. But how you go about creating that calorie deficit will determine how quickly (or slowly) you get to your weight loss goals. It is up...

9 Things To Know About Diets For Women

Losing weight is never an easy task, especially if you’re following a confusing diet program with tons of rules and restrictions. When it comes to choosing diets for women there are some things that you should know before you...

5 Weight Loss Programs for Women to Avoid!

Many of the weight loss programs for women target your desire to lose weight at any cost, so many of them have only short term success, if any. These weight loss programs come up with some pretty interesting explanations for some...

Can Laughter Improve Your Heart Health?

People always say that laughter is the best medicine, but medicine for what exactly? As it turns out laughter is the best medicine to keep your heart and body healthy, according to a recent study in the American Journal of Health...

How To Get Rid of Cellulite On Your Thighs

Cellulite, it is unsightly, ruins confidence and is actually quite treatable! So much focus has been on how to prevent cellulite that those already suffering from it feel completely left out of the conversation. Until today, that...

What Are The Symptoms Of Cellulite?

Cottage cheese, orange peel, dimples. These are just some of the names used to describe the physical appearance of cellulite. {Thin? Definitely! But also a few dimples in one of the problem areas.} Most commonly found in women,...

Why Diets For Women Fail

Most diets on the market today cater to the fairer sex, who’s under more pressure than ever to be thin and stay thin. Diets for women often fail because they don’t adequately address the underlying reasons for the weight gain....

Alli Side Effects - Weight Loss & What Else?

All weight loss pills are not created equal. Some make you dizzy and give you a headache, while others simply make you regret spending hard earned cash on another failed weight loss attempt. It’s up to you to determine which...

6 Weight Loss Tips for Women

Losing weight can be a real pain in the butt if you don’t know what you’re doing. This is especially true if you keep doing the same things to lose weight and find the number on the scale steadily increasing. You know...