How Many Calories Are In Swiss Chard?

Nutrition Facts
Serving Size 1 cup
Calories 7 (29kJ)
Amount Per Serving % Daily
Total Fat <0.1g <1%
Saturated Fat <0.1g <1%
Trans Fat 0g 0%
Cholesterol 0g 0%
Sodium 77mg 3%
Total Carbohydrate 1.3g <1%
Dietary Fiber 0.6g 2%
Sugars 0.4g
Protein 0.6g 0%
Calcium <1%
Potassium 136.4mg 0%
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If you’ve been looking for a way to add more leafy greens to your diet but you don’t like cabbage or spinach, then give Swiss chard a try. This vitamin rich leafy green has a unique flavor that you might just love.

{Avoid eating the big part of the colorful stalks as they are quite tough.}

The best thing of all about Swiss chard is that you can enjoy it in something other than a salad! Keep reading to find out what Swiss chard nutrition facts can add to your daily diet.

Major Nutrients Found In Swiss Chard

Swiss chard nutrition facts offer exactly what you would expect from a dark leafy green. It is incredibly low in calories, salt, fat and cholesterol so you can reduce your calorie intake for weight loss. Swiss chard is low in sodium with small amounts of carbohydrates and fiber.

Swiss chard is also a nutritional powerhouse, providing you with more than 100% of your recommended daily value of vitamin A and more than 100% of your daily value of vitamin K. Swiss chard is also a significant source of vitamin C and potassium. So while you’re not getting a lot of calories, you will get lots of nutrients.


When making your way through the produce section of your supermarket, look for Swiss chard in the chilled section where many of the greens are located. Select Swiss chard that has a vivid green color with crisp and unblemished stalks. Avoid leaves that are brown or yellow as the flavor will be compromised with them.

Store your Swiss chard in the refrigerator for up to 5 days. Avoid washing Swiss chard prior to storing it, wash it before eating it. Store Swiss chard in a large freezer bag. Make sure you remove as much air as possible from the bag before sealing it to keep the chard fresh when you’re ready to eat it!

Eat It With:

Swiss chard can be eaten with a wide variety of foods, but if you’ve never worked with it, it can be used in any way that spinach is in dishes. Add Swiss chard to pasta and garlic, use it in lasagna or simply sauté it with garlic and onions for a low calorie side dish.

{Enjoy a vegetarian pasta dish with plenty of nutrients-thanks to Swiss chard!}

Add leafy greens to your morning by adding chopped chard to your omelet or frittata. If you’re a simple eater, boil Swiss chard in salted water and add with your favorite lean protein.

Burn Off Calories In Swiss Chard

To burn off the calories in 1 cup of Swiss chard, you would need to do:

  • 1 minutes of bathing the dog.
  • 2 minutes of cleaning gutters.
  • 2 minutes of surfing.